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Tiger Widows Organisation Tiger Widows Organisation
Cuilcagh, Virginia
Co. Cavan A82P5D4 Ireland
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Ireland 15425
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We are a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) based in Ireland. We are an Irish Registered Charity since 2001. We raise funds for projects in Sundarbans, West Bengal, India, working on developing sustainable solutions with communities, to build livelihood capacity and resilience.

We are a Voluntary, Not-For-Profit organisation, registered in Ireland by the Revenue Commissioners under the Charities Act - Registered Number CHY15425.

Women's Group

Mangrove trees are very important for absorbing the power of storm surges during cyclones. Women from Self-Help-Groups engage in mangrove planting to protect their communities. The women collect local mangrove seeds, raise them to saplings and plant them in areas where they will be effective against storm surges. Mangrove trees help prevent erosion of the island-edge embankments. This project is in partnership with local India-based NGO ‘SEED’

Climate Change — Sundarbans is a ‘Disaster-Prone Eco-Region’ (Sen, H.S. (ed.) 2019)

Weak Embankment

Cyclones are common in the Bay of Bengal; due to increasing sea temperatures. Sea level is rising six times faster here than the global average. The Sundarbans Island communities are very poor, exposed, and ill-equipped to withstand cyclones and sea surges, which cause widespread devastation, inundating their lands, crops, and homes with saline water.

A sustainable solution is to strengthen the island embankments with mangroves. Scientific research shows that mangroves protect the coastline and prevent erosion. We are working with local NGO ‘SEED’ to plant mangroves in areas of mangrove loss and wave-action vulnerability. In this project, mangroves are planted by women locally called ‘Eco-Warriors’. The women are paid for their work. Our project area is Jharkhali. Our current planting project supports:

  1. Collection of seeds locally from existing mangroves along the inhabited island areas,
  2. Raising mangrove seeds to saplings
  3. Planting 20,000 mangroves on the exposed island edge of Jharkhali.

Blue Carbon

Planting Mangrove Trees

"Blue Carbon" refers to the capture of carbon from the atmosphere and storage in oceanic systems. Mangrove Trees capture up to four times more Carbon than terrestrial forest systems.

Unfortunately, with climate change, sea-level-rise and cyclones are a huge threat to coastal communities. Mangrove tree planting is climate mitigation i.e., it reduces the impact of climate change by intercepting large waves and preventing erosion.

In 2023, responding to the needs of the people, we changed direction and now fund sustainable mangrove tree planting initiatives along the coastal delta embankments. Native mangroves are effective against flooding, slowing down large tidal waves. The women collect local native seeds and raise them to saplings. They plant out the saplings in October, protecting the young plants from cows, goats, and deer. In time the plants mature to protect the coastline.

Your donations support the mangrove planting initiatives:

Jharkhali Map

Seed collection, nursery, planting and aftercare costs € 2 per plant. You can sponsor this activity by donating funds to invest in planting mangroves. Donations can be made at the top of this webpage.

If you are a business interested in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) please contact us to discuss investing in a mangroving project.

Major Benefits of Mangrove Trees:

What does your money achieve?

Donations achieve table Wet mangrove plants

Mangrove plants

Thank you so much for your support 🙏

UN Sustainable Development Goals for inclusivity and equality     UN Sustainable Development Goals for inclusivity and equality

We work to deliver the UN Sustainable Development Goals for inclusivity and equality. For more info on the UNSDGs click here.

Serving the People to Save the Tiger

design by Sinead Fox

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logo by Leanne Willars